Dr Maggie Ju
Acupuncture London
Notting Hill, Richmond
Pain Relief: headaches, jaw pain, neck pain, shoulder pain back pain hip pain and groin pain knee pain vulvodynia UTI and bladder pain pelvic pain nerve pain arthritis elbow pain hand and wrist pain eye pain ear pain
Fertility and Miscarriage: infertility, miscarriage, high FSH, low AMH, short luteal phase, low progesterone, IVF support PCOS POF endometriosis
Antiaging and skin care: facial rejuvenation wrinkle reduction face lift skin tightening pore reduction neck lines skin smoothing, puffy face
Acne treatment: acne
Stress and Insomnia: stress and anxiety insomnia fatigue
Pregnancy Acupuncture
Dr Maggie Ju Acupuncture Treatment:
Efficient, Natural, Gentle, Pain Free, Noninvasive, Minimal side effects
Eczema can stay with you for long time, itchiness is as bad as that you have pain. Clear your eczema and stop your itchness with acupuncture.
Acupuncture is effective for eczema
Eczema is a very common skin condition due to skin inflammation. Atopic eczema is the most common form and is included in a group of allergic conditions like asthma, hay fever and food allergy. They are all linked by an increased activity of the allergy side of the body’s immune system. Eczema often starts in childhood, and it may also start later in adult. It tends to run in families. People with eczema typically have alterations in their skin barrier, and overly reactive inflammatory and allergy responses. Environmental factors include contact with soaps, detergents and any other chemicals applied to the skin, exposure to allergens, and infection with certain bacteria and viruses.
Eczema comes from the Greek word to boil and is used to describe the symptoms of the condition: red, dry, itchy, skin which can sometimes become weeping, blistered, crusted, scaling and thickened. The main symptom of eczema is skin rash associated with itch. Scratching can fire up the skin rash and makes the itching worse. Itch can be severe enough to interfere with sleep, causing tiredness and irritability. The symptoms can sometimes be severe while other times less severe. Some people only have small patches of dry skin, but others may experience widespread red, inflamed skin all over the body. atopic eczema can affect any part of the body, it most often affects the hands, insides of the elbows, backs of the knees and the face and scalp. Many things can flare up atopic eczema: such as heat, dust woollen clothing, pets and irritants including soaps and detergents, cold and infections, teething in babies, food allergies and stress.
Acupuncture is effective for atopic eczema. For example, a study involving in thirty participants with eczema. They were received four weeks of acupuncture treatments. All eczema symptoms were improved in 4 weeks’ time. A recent study analysed a total of 434 participants in the eight RCTs. All participants were diagnosed with atopic eczema. The age of the participants ranged from 18 to 70 years and the course of AE ranged from 6 months to 35 years.
The results of one included RCT showed that acupuncture was better than no treatment at reducing itch intensity measured using a visual analogue scale in patients with AE. The combined results of six RCTs showed that acupuncture was better than conventional medicine at reducing the eczema area and severity index (EASI) and the combined results of seven RCTs showed that acupuncture was better than conventional medicine in terms of global symptom improvement in AE. The conclusion was that acupuncture might be effective at reducing itch intensity and may be more effective than conventional medicine at reducing EASI and improving the global symptoms of AE.
Kang S et al Complement Ther Med2018 Dec;41:90-98. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2018.08.013. Epub 2018 Sep 10.
Ruimin Jiao,et al Acupunct Med. 2020 Feb; 38(1): 3–14.