Dr Maggie Ju
Acupuncture London
Belgravia, Notting Hill
Pain Relief: headaches, jaw pain, neck pain, shoulder pain back pain hip pain and groin pain knee pain vulvodynia UTI and bladder pain pelvic pain nerve pain arthritis elbow pain hand and wrist pain eye pain ear pain
Fertility and Miscarriage: infertility, miscarriage, high FSH, low AMH, short luteal phase, low progesterone, IVF support PCOS POF endometriosis
Antiaging and skin care: facial rejuvenation wrinkle reduction face lift skin tightening pore reduction neck lines skin smoothing, puffy face
Acne treatment: acne
Stress and Insomnia: stress and anxiety insomnia
Dr Maggie Ju Acupuncture Treatment:
Efficient, Natural, Gentle, Pain Free, Noninvasive, Minimal side effects
Food and nutrition provide energy for the body. We need to supply new nutrients to the body every day. Fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are all required. Taking key vitamins and minerals are also essential to maintaining good health. Don’t forget water which is equally important. Last, but not least it is fibres.
Sunflower seeds are especially high in vitamin E and selenium acting as antioxidants which protect cell membranes, proteins, and DNA from oxidation consequently keeping inflammation under control.
Sunflower seeds help lowering your risk of developing diseases like high blood pressure or heart disease. They also contain nutrients that can support your immune system and boost your energy levels.
Goji berries are a good source of vitamins, minerals, fibers, and essential amino acids.
Almonds are one of the nuts containing higher amount of fibers. They also are high in proteins, monounsaturated fat, vitamin E and magnesium.
Pecan are one of the nuts containing higher amount of fibers. They also are high in proteins, vitamin E, magnesium and monounsaturated fat.
Nuts were harvested in autumn and were available to store for the big festival. Eating nuts at Christmas became such an important part of the celebration.
Exotic fruits are high in vitamins and minerals
Wild mushrooms are rich in protein, calcium, iron and zinc. More importantly it had low levels of fat and sodium.